Paranormal Investigation
Explore the paranormal at the historic Cohen Bray House
February 21, 2025 7:00–10:00p.m.
The beautiful Stick-style home was built in 1882–1884 by Julia Moses and Watson A. Bray for their daughter Emma, upon her marriage to Alfred H. Cohen, attorney. The families of both the bride and groom were wealthy and socially prominent. Watson Bray was a successful commodities broker while A. A. Cohen had established the first railroad and ferry system in Alameda County. He also served as chief attorney for the Central Pacific Railroad.
The house has never been sold. It contains the original furniture, wallpaper, woodwork, and many of their personal objects. It also holds the spirits of several family members and at least one person who worked on the property.
Jim Martin has been investigating the paranormal for many years all over the United States. He has done probably more than ten investigations of the Cohen Bray House with psychics, sensitives, ghost boxes, EVP recorders, EMF meters and more. He is an accomplished videographer and uses infrared lenses. Every investigation is different. Be prepared for a fascinating exploration of the Cohen Bray House. Jim has created Hauntology Productions and can be found on the Spirit Realm Network Facebook page. his ‘ghost hunting tools’ using ITC and EVP devices. We will also have pendulums and dousing rods to use. It should be an exciting exploration.
There's also a snack break, where everyone can chat and share experiences.
Ghostly activity during previous investigations includes "shadow people," footsteps, knocking, tugged-at clothing, electromagnetic field disturbances, and plentiful Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). Space is limited to 10 people only, and you must be at least 18 to attend.
Where: The Cohen Bray House, 1440 29th Ave., Oakland, CA
There is limited parking in the back. Please carpool or park at the Goodwill lot 1/2 block away.
Cost: $75 per person. All proceeds benefit the 501(c)3 Victorian Preservation Center of Oakland—Cohen Bray House.
What to bring: A digital recorder, a digital camera, EMF detector or other ghost hunting equipment and observational skills.
Dress code: Soft soled shoes, no perfume or heavily scented lotion or oils, no loudly clanging jewelry. registration link at top.
For further information,

Patty Donald, while leading a tour. A photo was taken and in the reflection one can see what looks like a head whispering into her ear. Is it? If you look carefully you can see a face, nose chin and cap.